13th IWCT to be held co-located with ICST 2024, end of May 2024, Toronto, Canada

We are happy to announce that the 13th International Workshop on Combinatorial Testing (IWCT 2024) will be held at the end of May 2024 in Toronto, Canada, co-located with ICST 2024. For interested parties, CfP is available via this link.

MATRIS lead; Dimitris Simos will serve as the general chair, while the workshop’s PC will be co-chaired by Professor Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya and Bernhard Garn.

Moreover, IWCT 2024 will host this year once more the 3rd Combinatorial Testing Competition for Combinatorial Test Generation Tools. Details on the participate process will be announced soon. If you are interested in the competition please click here to go to the announcement page.

We are looking forward to receiving your contributions!

Related Links
International Workshop on Combinatorial Testing (IWCT2024): https://conf.researchr.org/home/icst-2024/iwct-2024

IWCT 2024 CfP: https://conf.researchr.org/home/icst-2024/iwct-2024#Call-for-Papers

The Third CT Competition: https://fmselab.github.io/ct-competition/

Professor Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya’s Homepage: https://tatsuhirotsuchiya.github.io/en/