MATRIS Members

Teams and Team Members

Teams & Team Members

Leadership, Organization and Coordination

Dimitris E. Simos

Group lead of MATRIS Research Group, Associate Professor at Graz University of Technology

Izem Chaloupka

R&D Coordination


Bernhard Garn

Team lead of DEFSYS and senior researcher
in applied Mathematics

Klaus Kieseberg

Security Expert

Berina Celic

Software Engineer

Ceren Culha

Software Engineer


Ludwig Kampel

Team lead of CALGO and senior researcher
in technical Mathematics

Michael Wagner

Computer Scientist

Irene Hiess

Computer Scientist

Marlene Koelbing



Manuel Leithner

Team lead of CST and senior researcher
in IT Security

Reinhard Kugler

Security Expert

Dominik Philip Schreiber

Software Engineer

Jovan Zivanovic

Security Expert