Dimitris Simos
Copyright: MATRIS
Yesterday, Dimitris Simos gave a plenary talk on “Disaster scenarios with discrete sequences: Using combinatorics for enhanced disaster preparedness” at the 6th International Conference on Dynamics of Disasters (DoD 2023). Klaus Kieseberg and Bernhard Garn from the DEFSYS team also participated in the talk, showcasing the research activities of MATRIS together with external collaborators on the generation of disaster scenarios as well as demonstrating their instantiation for both disaster simulations and disaster management exercises. Disaster preparation for both man-made and non-man-made disasters is crucial in order to achieve resilience and such preparation can be carried out in multiple forms, such as exercises, scenario analysis, and simulation.

Dimitris E. Simos, Bernhard Garn, Klaus Kieseberg
Copyright: MATRIS
In the plenary, the speakers explored the application of combinatorial methods to disaster scenario generation in order to guarantee diversity, severity, and efficiency. The generated scenarios can be implemented regardless of the types of disasters e.g. fire, floods, cyber disasters in disaster management, and the corresponding operational measures from concerned stakeholders, such as simulations or serious games (Planspiele). The speakers further illustrated the instantiation of an overall disaster modelling framework with examples from two different disaster domains.

Copyright: Anna Nagurney
About the conference: DoD 2023 is held in Piraeus, Greece from July 3-6, 2023, and focuses on the study of dynamics of disasters from various scientific perspectives, which is an important and worthwhile endeavor, with significant benefits for the whole environment.
Conference Name:
The 6th International Conference on Dynamics of Disasters (DoD 2023)
Conference Duration:
3-6 July, 2023
Conference Location:
Athens, Greece