Dimitris E. Simos
is the lead of MATRIS Research Group and key researcher for the Applied Discrete Mathematics for Information Security research area at SBA Research. Moreover he is Associate Professor at Graz University of Technology.
Research Interests
Dimitris’ research interests include Combinatorial Designs and their applications to Software Testing, Combinatorial Testing in particular, Symbolic Computation and Optimization Algorithms, and all mathematical aspects of Information Security.
Dimitris received his bachelor’s degree in Mathematics (2006) from the University of Athens. He holds a master’s degree in Applied Mathematical Sciences (2007) and a PhD in Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics (2011), both obtained from the National Technical University of Athens. Dimitris has further obtained his habilitation degree in Applied Computer Science (2021) from Graz University of Technology. He also held the status of a Marie Curie Fellow within a 3-year ERCIM grant (2012-2015) awarded by the European Commission. In particular, after his PhD and before joining SBA Research, he was an ERCIM/Marie Curie Post-Doctoral Fellow within Project-Team SECRET of INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt research center working on the design and analysis of cryptographic algorithms, especially through the study of the involved discrete structures.
As of 2021, Dimitris is Associate Professor (non-tenured track, venia docendi for Applied Computer Science) with Graz University of Technology. He has been an adjunct lecturer with TU Wien and a distinguished guest lecturer with Graz University of Technology. He holds a guest researcher appointment with the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), where he is also a research member of its Working Group on Automated Combinatorial Testing for Software (ACTS), and has been a visiting scholar at University of Bergamo.
During his career, Dimitris has (co)-authored over 100 papers in Discrete Mathematics and their applications to Computer Science and has been awarded the rank of Fellow of the Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications (FTICA) on 2012. His research has received national (FFG), European (FP7, H2020) and international (US NIST) funding. He has been in the organizing or program committee of many international scientific conferences and workshops and is a member of the editorial board of two Springer journals.