An ambitious research collaboration between the MATRIS Research Group of SBA Research (Dimitris E. Simos, Ludwig Kampel, Manuel Leithner, Bernhard Garn), NIST (Rick Kuhn, Raghu Kacker) and Adobe (Riley Smith, Darryl Jarman, Jared Bellows, Gabe Gosney) resulted in two published papers (Measuring Combinatorial Coverage at Adobe, Applying Combinatorial Testing to Large-scale Data Processing at Adobe) in IWCT 2019. These two papers showcase successful academia-industry collaboration addressing specific real-world, industry-scale applied problems from Adobe, which were solved by the application of strong theoretical techniques and constructions to two very practical problems. One paper was concerned with combinatorial coverage measurement and the other with combinatorial t-way test suite construction for large-scale models. The results of the combinatorial coverage analysis and the results of the test execution of the newly generated test suites provided significant insights to the researchers at Adobe and laid the foundation for extensive beneficial future collaboration. The constructed combinatorial test sets are publicly available here .
Over the last couple of years, IWCT has especially taken care to support joint academia-industry submissions, also making the conference a unique opportunity for participants from both domains, thus uniting academic excellence and industrial experience and needs.