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This year’s Hot Topics in the Science of Security Symposium (HotSoS 2024) was hosted by the NSA and took place virtually between April 2-4. Representing the CST team of MATRIS Research Group, Dominik Schreiber presented a poster titled “A Combinatorial Perspective towards Security Testing of Anonymity Networks”. This work was co-authored by Dimitris E. Simos, Bernhard Garn, and Manuel Leithner from MATRIS, together with their long-term collaborators D. Richard Kuhn (NIST, USA) and Raghu Kacker (NIST, USA), outlining the vision of the team for applying the methods and techniques from the field of combinatorial security testing to anonymity networks, in particular to the well-known Tor network, aiming at deriving new security guarantees based on the underlying properties of the mathematical artifacts used to build combinatorial test sets. During the poster session, several interesting questions and research challenges related to Tor experienced by the CST team were the highlights of the discussion with the audience.
DEFSYS team members Ceren, Marlene, and Klaus also joined the conference as participants and engaged in the current hot topics via the online conference platform provided by the NSA.
About the Conference:
The HotSoS Symposium is a research event centered on the Science of Security, which aims to address the fundamental problems of security in a principled manner. The eleventh annual event was virtually held April 2-4, 2024. HotSoS brings together researchers from diverse disciplines to promote the advancement of work related to the science of security. The program included presentations of already published work in security and privacy, particularly that which examines the scientific foundations of trustworthy systems. Additionally, the symposium accepts work-in-progress manuscripts for presentations. Student presentations were once again a part of the conference, while a session was reserved for a poster competition. The Science of Security (SoS) emphasizes advancing research methods and the development of new research results. This dual focus is intended to improve the confidence we gain from scientific results and the capacity and efficiency through which we address increasingly technical problems.
Conference Name:
Hot Topics in the Science of Security (HotSoS) Symposium 2024
Conference Duration:
2-4 April, 2024
Conference Location: